Ways we can work together…

I can be your writer / editor.

As writers, we have to be chameleon-like. In order to write and edit well, we have to have a deep desire to learn about the world, and we have to be able to put ourselves in others’ shoes. To me, language is sorcery; both the sounds and the meaning of words are magic, and I aim to harness and conduct that magic in my writing.


I can help you craft and tell your story.

Helping people with the process of writing is so fun. In working with dozens of writers over the past twenty years, giving feedback on both the macro and the micro elements of the writing, I get to be a witness to so much, as the poet R.M. Rilke said, “gestation and then bringing forth.” The process is one I hold dear, and I love watching clients’ ideas unfold on the page.


The Writing Process…


You have a really cool idea that needs to be shared with the world. Maybe you have two dozen ideas and no idea how to start on one. That’s where I come in. We’ll have an initial session to sort through and nail down a story you want to tell. We’ll also figure out a few suitable platforms where you can share the piece when it’s done.


After our first conversation, you will take the outline we’ve created together and you’ll go create some alchemy on the page. If you get stuck during the first round, I’ll be nearby to help unstick you. Once you give me a first draft of your piece, I will share edits and suggestions within 72 hours so you can get to completing a second draft.


I get overly excited about finding the perfect word to fit in a given sentence; for me it’s like finding that last puzzle piece in a 1000-piece jigsaw. I will give the work you share with me the same thoughtfulness I give my own writing, and will make sure it’s polished to a mirror-shine before signing off on it, so you can feel confident placing it in front of a wider audience.


“Jessie has been amazing diving into editing my story of having Covid. She really went beyond just editing — she helped me re-craft the voice in the story. I highly recommend Jessie to help you form your voice in writing and in your artistic expression…. She is diligent and thoughtful.” - Elizabeth Newman