Bad writing is just part of the process.

Come join a supportive group of people who are giving themselves permission to be imperfect and get some words onto the page.

Maya Angelou said there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. But what if you have story ideas and don’t know where to start when it comes to writing them down? We are often discouraged from exploring our creative impulses after childhood, in favor of the “practical” work we all must do to survive in the world.

How many stories are we missing out on because people were too worried about writing “shitty first drafts” (credit to Anne Lamott for that term) to sit down and do it? Good writing is like sculpture: it often starts with a whole huge mess of clay that doesn’t look very appealing. But then you start taking off clay and you have a slightly less shitty second draft, and then you shave off some more and do some molding, and then you have a decent third draft. You keep shaving off and molding clay until you have a sculpture with no extra shit on it. But you don’t usually get that beautiful sculpture without that ugly mess of clay at the beginning.

So if you want to explore your inner storyteller, come join us starting on September 16. Come join and realize that “real” writers don’t have brilliance pouring out of them every minute. Come join and feel more confident writing taking pen to paper. Come join and become adept at turning your thoughts and feelings into words.